Friday 24 June 2016

How to Become a Fashion Consultant

Becoming a fashion consultant may seem like a dream, but if you have the background and skills necessary to make it in the industry, the idea isn't that far-fetched. You need to have a good eye for design and keep on top of the latest trends and fashions. That, coupled with marketing and textile experience, could be a winning combination.
  • Get educated. In order to become a fashion consultant, you need to have the right educational background. A Bachelor's degree in fashion, textiles or marketing at a major college, university or specialty school like FIDM in Los Angeles will prove beneficial in your quest to become a fashion consultant. Experience in the retail industry is also helpful.
  • Have an eye for fashion. As a fashion consultant, it's your job to know the latest and greatest trends in the fashion industry. You need to stay abreast of styles and know what works on different body types. An understanding of color and composition are essential to succeeding in this career.
  • Dress the part. You are your own best advertisement, so your appearance should be impeccable at all times. Always wear items that are trendy and flattering to your figure, and pay special attention to grooming.
  • Work on customer service. A fashion consultant works for her clients, so it's important that you understand good customer service. You need to communicate with your clients, find out their needs and desires, and then do your best to give them exactly what they want. Keeping in touch with them after a job is also essential.

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